About Me
Hi, I'm Issy! Known to my two young children, and now to the Instagram and blogging community, as "Mummy Scrummie".
I'm a married, thirty-something, mum of two small children, living in the heart of the Hampshire countryside.
I'm not "Scrummie" because I'm dazzling gorgeous, or because you'll always find me in designer high heels, and neither am I a particularly revolutionary cook. I'm "Scrummie" because one day, my (then) three year old decided I needed a nickname that rhymed; and it stuck! And, once you know that, you are pretty close to knowing as much as you need to know about me, my approach to parenting, and my family!
I don't take myself too seriously and I believe in creative parenting; giving children the freedom to imagine, and question, and to make and to learn. We are a family that sings Disney songs, and dances whilst baking in the kitchen; we make playdough monsters with googlie eyes and we love reading stories together.
We're making eco-swaps where we can, and trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle, and we're never happier than when we're spending time together, out and about, in our gorgeous rural surroundings.
I specialise in creating relatable, aesthetic and honest content aimed at the young family demographic. If you'd like to know more about my influencing/content creation work, please drop me a message and ask for my Media Kit.